For all BSA and Triumph twin cylinder models and BSA / Triumph unit singles, the SRM Engineering CNC-machined stainless steel pressure release valves have a stainless body, stainless dome cap and stainless piston. Each one is hand assembled and checked for correct pressure blow off. Fits BSA A7, A10, A50, and A65 as well as Triumph T110, T120, T140, 5TA, 3TA, T100, 6T, TR6, Etc. Individually assembled and fully tested by SRM in the UK.
NOTE: SRM Oil valves are made so the threads are on the upper tolerance to ensure good seal in the crankcase between the oil pressure cavity and the blow off hole , many oil valves on the market have threads made undersize and oil pressure is lost between the threads. Always check crankcase threads are in good order and not damaged or distorted from old oil valves being over tightened.